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  • March 14, 2015 3:07 PM | Cathie Izor (Administrator)

    The Small Business Development Center sponsors monthly lunchtime seminars and this month the topic is "Recordkeeping and Taxes."

    • Get your tax questions answered
    • Learn what to save to pay taxes on time
    • Understand what the IRS looks for when reviewing tax returns

    When: Thursday, March 19
    Where: RCC/SOU Higher Education Center, 101 S. Bartlett St, Medford
    Time: 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM
    Cost: FREE

    The speaker is Patrick Hurley, who was an IRS agent for 14 years and has been in his own practice since 1982. His specialty is the preparation of individual and business income tax returns and represents individuals before the IRS. Hurley Tax Services was selected for the 2014 best of Medford Award in the Tax Return Preparation category.   .

    Call 541-552-8300 or visit the Small Business Development Center website at for more info.
  • February 24, 2015 2:02 PM | Cathie Izor (Administrator)

    Hey, everyone, I just listened to Teri talking about WESO and the Showcase on Jefferson Public Radio this AM. Listen to the podcast

    It's short, about 20 min., so check it out. She talks about our mission, history, and, of course, our rapidly approaching Women Entrepreneurs Showcase on Mar. 12. Plus she featured our other upcoming meetings.

    Teri shared the time with Laura O'Bryon, Executive Director of Community Works Dunn House Shelter. As you may already know, the Showcase will benefit their organization as well as combining a trade show with a networking and educational event for entrepreneurs. 

  • February 03, 2015 4:10 PM | Cathie Izor (Administrator)

    The Small Business Development Center sponsors monthly lunchtime seminars and this month the topic is "Harnessing the Power of Twitter."

    • Learn how to create messages that get your business to stand out
    • Understand the best uses for hashtags, handles, hat-tips & images
    • Decide if Twitter is worth your precious time

    When: Thurs. February 19
    Where: RCC/SOU Higher Education Center, 101 S. Bartlett St, Medford
    Time: 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM
    Cost: FREE

    The speaker is Dr. Donnie Maclurcan. He is an Affiliate Professor in Social Science at SOU and a passionate advocate for all things not-for-profit.  Twitter has been a crucial tool for Donnie as a social entrepreneur and as co- founder of Project Australia, The Post Growth Institute,  Free Money Day, the (en)Rich List, and Cascades Hub.

    Call 541-552-8300 or visit the Small Business Development Center website at for more info.

  • December 23, 2014 4:20 PM | Cathie Izor (Administrator)

    The SOU School of Business cooperates with local agencies and businesses to provide a wide variety of opportunities for students to gain real-world experience. Learn how your organization can benefit from using student interns and how students can benefit from your knowledge and experience. Jane Picknell, Internship Coordinator, will show you how to make the right connections to access our future business leaders.

    You'll learn:

    • How to get a student intern
    • What student interns can do for your business
    • Create a "win-win" experience

    When: Thurs. January 15
    Where: RCC/SOU Higher Education Center, 101 S. Bartlett, Medford
    Time: 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM
    Cost: FREE

    Bring your own Lunch, Learn & Launch!

    For more info or to register:

  • November 12, 2014 12:50 PM | Cathie Izor (Administrator)

    The next Lunch and Learn seminar from the Small Business Development Center will be on Thursday, Nov. 20. 12:15 to 1:15 at the RCC/SOU building at 101 S. Bartlett, Medford. Contact the SBDC at 541-552-8300 or at for more info and registration.

    The speaker is Patrick Hurley, tax preparer and former IRS agent, and he will be speaking on Recordkeeping and Taxes:

    • What to save to pay business taxes on time
    • Systems to keep accurate records for your business
    • What the IRS looks for when reviewing tax returns
  • October 03, 2014 12:52 PM | Cathie Izor (Administrator)

    October 16th is the next "Lunch, Learn and Launch" event sponsored by the Small Business Development Center. Bring a brown bag lunch at 12:15 pm for the free, one-hour seminar with Lisa Manyon, marketing consultant.


        * Design messages that get attention
        * Evaluate how 'disruptive' your messages are & why it matters
        * Learn the 3-step approach for marketing with integrity

    Plus, generate 3-5 actions items that can be implemented immediately!

    When: Thurs. Oct. 16
    Where: RCC/SOU HEC in Medford
    Time: 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM
    Cost: FREE

    Call 541.552.8300 for more information or visit their website at:

    A thought leader in copywriting, strategy and marketing, Lisa Manyon is "The Business Marketing Architect". Her relationship-first approach is friendly, effective and teaches people how to create marketing messages with integrity. Lisa's philosophies have been featured in Inc. Magazine.

  • September 04, 2014 4:11 PM | Cathie Izor (Administrator)
    The Small Business Development Corp. is sponsoring brown bag lunch seminars and they're FREE! The next one is coming up soon so check it out and sign up.

    Invest in Yourself


    •  Develop a healthy attitude towards spending money

    •  Learn creative money management tools that work

    •  Evaluate if business image is professional or amateurish

       Plus Generate 3-5 actions items that can be implemented immediately! 


    When: Thurs. Sept 18

    Where: RCC/SOU HEC in Medford 

    Time: 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM

    Cost: FREE

    Bring your own Lunch, Learn & Launch!

    Information and registration

  • June 26, 2014 8:44 AM | Sandra Abell

    Hi Folks,

    I had the good fortune to be interviewed by Kellie Hill from The Right Nutrition Plan about my new book Feeling Good About You. If you'd like to hear the interview or learn more about the book, here is the link.

    If you're interested in Feeling Good About You it's available at .

    I wish you well.

    Sandy Abell

  • February 20, 2014 11:23 AM | Anonymous
    Lisa Baehr's slide deck is now available from her presentation last week on "How to Attract Customers Through Social Media"!  It was a great talk and very informative!  If you missed it or want to check out the links, please contact me and I'll email it to you.  

  • February 10, 2014 7:00 PM | Deleted user
    Are you ready to achieve your ideal weight?
    Are you ready to make a non-radical leap to optimum health?
    Are you prepared to change your body on the inside and out?
    Are you ready for some simple solution?

    A weekly class for 6 weeks starting on:
    February 10th, 7:00pm
    Heartsong Nutrition,1461 Siskiyou Blvd., Ashland
    Cost: $225 for 6 classes
    Register at:
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