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126 photo(s)
Updated on: November 17, 2022
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Laurie Neff and Carol Vandell at the "Welcome" table
Laurie Neff and Carol Vandell at the "Welcome" table
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President Teri Mansur announces a prize winner
President Teri Mansur announces a prize winner
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Having a fun time at the Showcase1
Having a fun time at the Showcase1
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AnnaMariah Nau of Gemstone Alchemy
AnnaMariah Nau of Gemstone Alchemy
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The Pet Butler, Jim Ward
The Pet Butler, Jim Ward
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Connected Physical Therapy, Kelly Martin
Connected Physical Therapy, Kelly Martin
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Rapp Marketing and Design - Marilyn Rapp
Rapp Marketing and Design - Marilyn Rapp
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Soul Canyon Training and Development - Mary Hambleton
Soul Canyon Training and Development - Mary Hambleton
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The Chamber of Medford/Jackson County - Charlotte Hodel (L)
The Chamber of Medford/Jackson County - Charlotte Hodel (L)
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Oregon Employment Department
Oregon Employment Department
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Indigo Creek Outfitters - Will Volpert
Indigo Creek Outfitters - Will Volpert
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Remember When Video Productions - Shannon Cornish
Remember When Video Productions - Shannon Cornish
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Carol Vandell, Supertech Food/Beverage Solutions and WESO Board Member
Carol Vandell, Supertech Food/Beverage Solutions and WESO Board Member
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Lisa Schweickert, WESO Vice President and Showcase Coordinator
Lisa Schweickert, WESO Vice President and Showcase Coordinator
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Will Volpert and Emily Berlant, Indigo Creek Outfitters (R) Lisa Schweickert
Will Volpert and Emily Berlant, Indigo Creek Outfitters (R) Lisa Schweickert
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(L) Nancy Walsch, Igniting your Gifts, and (R) Carol Vandell, Supertech Food/Beverage Solutions. WESO board members staffing the Welcome table at the Showcase.
(L) Nancy Walsch, Igniting your Gifts, and (R) Carol Vandell, Supertech Food/Beverage Solutions. WESO board members staffing the Welcome table at the Showcase.
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Home Instead Senior Care, (L) Indra Nicholas
Home Instead Senior Care, (L) Indra Nicholas
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Soul Canyon Training & Development, Mary Hambleton
Soul Canyon Training & Development, Mary Hambleton
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Sister River Foods - (R) Shannon Schnibbe
Sister River Foods - (R) Shannon Schnibbe
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Bookkeeping for Small Business and Seniors - (L) Laurie Neff
Bookkeeping for Small Business and Seniors - (L) Laurie Neff
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(L) to (R) - Estelle Loye, Virginia Hudson, Joyce Loyd, Michelle Miller
(L) to (R) - Estelle Loye, Virginia Hudson, Joyce Loyd, Michelle Miller
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Small Bus. Development Corp - (L) Ruth Painter (R) Stephanie Hoffman
Small Bus. Development Corp - (L) Ruth Painter (R) Stephanie Hoffman
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