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WESO News Blog

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  • December 03, 2015 12:15 PM | Cathie Izor (Administrator)

    Lunch, Learn and Launch: Mobile Technology Made Simple

    Come to the Small Business Development Center's free lunchtime seminar series on December 3rd, 12:15 pm at the RCC/SOU Higher Education Center, 101 S. Bartlett St, Medford. This month,

    • Learn how to take payments, invoice customers, and make deposits from mobile services
    • Increase productivity by getting work done more accurately and efficiently
    • Manage the HUGE amount of instant data and become less overwhelmed

    The speakers are Frank Brannen and Lani McClure.

    Frank is the business development manager and Lani is the sales manager for U.S. Cellular in Medford. They also teach local business owners how to mobilize their businesses through mobile invoicing and Square along with many other cutting-edge technologies. Their goal is for entrepreneurs to fully utilize mobile technology that cuts down on administration tasks, that increases work balance, and is ultimately more fun.


    The SOU Small Business Development Center (SOU SBDC) provides in-depth, confidential, one-on-one guidance to businesses and prospective entrepreneurs at no fee. They can help you gather information and evaluate, plan, and create systems for your business that lead to greater profit, job creation, and job retention.

    Call 541.552.8300 for more information 

  • October 10, 2015 9:00 AM | Lisa Schweickert (Administrator)

    Check out this new video for Techtoberfest that is coming up on October 10th in Ashland, hosted by the Sustainable Valley Technology Group.  What can be better than a combination of innovation, business, music and beer!  There's more info at

  • September 17, 2015 12:15 PM | Cathie Izor (Administrator)

    Lunch, Learn and Launch: Essential Selling Skills for the Non-Salesperson

    Come to the Small Business Development Center's free lunchtime seminar series on September 17, 12:15 pm at the RCC/SOU Higher Education Center, 101 S. Bartlett St, Medford. This month, learn to

    • Create sales presentations that are focused on the customer benefits, not just a "canned" pitch

    • Learn how to listen, acknowledge, and then overcome objections

    • Identify "suspects" and "prospects"

    The speaker is Jack Vitacco.

    Prior to being the director of the SOU SBDC, Jack was an account representative for 3M Corp. for 20 years, and an independent manufacturers' representative for 12 years. Jack assisted wholesale distribution businesses to increase market share, develop sales personnel, implement effective product knowledge and presentation skills, and management of profit.


    The SOU Small Business Development Center (SOU SBDC) provides in-depth, confidential, one-on-one guidance to businesses and prospective entrepreneurs at no fee. They can help you gather information and evaluate, plan, and create systems for your business that lead to greater profit, job creation, and job retention.

    Call 541.552.8300 for more information 

    or Visit the Website 

  • August 08, 2015 7:00 PM | Deleted user


    With Guest Speaker


    Exploring The New Frequencies of Healing

    The Reconnective Principle is Simple and the Outcome is Revolutionary:

    There is a healing power that transcends the limitations of human ability and imagination. By opening to it, without preconceived agendas, we are able to restore balance and harmony in our lives and, as such, transform our bodies, hearts, minds, and soul in ways that otherwise may seem impossible.

    Check out:

    Saturday, August 8 - 7pm

    Anjou Club Apartments - Club House

    100 N. Pacific Hwy - Talent - Oregon - 97501

    To register and for more information please contact:

    Pia Andersen : or call 541-890-3011

  • April 22, 2015 1:00 PM | Linda Powell

    The SOU Small Business Development Center is offering a workshop to show you where the money is for your business in the Rogue Valley.

    When: Wednesday, April 22
    Where: RCC/SOU Higher Education Center, 101 S. Bartlett St, Medford, Room 129
    Time: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
    Cost: FREE

    The R U Bankable workshop is designed for the entrepreneur looking for capital from the bank. The business may be a startup or an established one. In today's economy, your presentation to the banker is critical in getting approved for the loan. The workshop is divided into three parts:

    The Small Business Development Center is offering a workshop to show you where the money for your business is in the Rogue Valley.

    • Part 1 - lenders introduce who they are and what they offer
    • Part 2 - panel discussion and Q&A session
    • Part 3 - "banker speed dating" chat with a lender one-on-one then move on

    Call 541-552-8300 or register online at

    Space is limited! Pre-registration is required!

  • March 25, 2015 3:00 PM | Deleted user

    When:  Session One   3-5 pm,

                  Session Two:  6-8pm

    Where:  Jackson County Library in the Adams Room

    What is a Beauty Boot Camp?

    It is 90 minutes of pampering for you and two friends; we will make you LOOK AND FEEL FABULOUS.  You will experience a luxurious anti-aging facial treatment, sample all of the newest cosmetics, have kissable lips and soft, ageless hands are just some of the treatments you will experience


    It is a complimentary service, because we believe in relationship marketing not advertising for a business.  No purchase is necessary, but having fun is!!!

    Please register by texting or emailing Kristie at 530.340.1161 

    All products will be BeautiControl to learn more about our products please go to my website

  • March 14, 2015 3:07 PM | Cathie Izor (Administrator)

    The Small Business Development Center sponsors monthly lunchtime seminars and this month the topic is "Recordkeeping and Taxes."

    • Get your tax questions answered
    • Learn what to save to pay taxes on time
    • Understand what the IRS looks for when reviewing tax returns

    When: Thursday, March 19
    Where: RCC/SOU Higher Education Center, 101 S. Bartlett St, Medford
    Time: 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM
    Cost: FREE

    The speaker is Patrick Hurley, who was an IRS agent for 14 years and has been in his own practice since 1982. His specialty is the preparation of individual and business income tax returns and represents individuals before the IRS. Hurley Tax Services was selected for the 2014 best of Medford Award in the Tax Return Preparation category.   .

    Call 541-552-8300 or visit the Small Business Development Center website at for more info.
  • February 24, 2015 2:02 PM | Cathie Izor (Administrator)

    Hey, everyone, I just listened to Teri talking about WESO and the Showcase on Jefferson Public Radio this AM. Listen to the podcast

    It's short, about 20 min., so check it out. She talks about our mission, history, and, of course, our rapidly approaching Women Entrepreneurs Showcase on Mar. 12. Plus she featured our other upcoming meetings.

    Teri shared the time with Laura O'Bryon, Executive Director of Community Works Dunn House Shelter. As you may already know, the Showcase will benefit their organization as well as combining a trade show with a networking and educational event for entrepreneurs. 

  • February 03, 2015 4:10 PM | Cathie Izor (Administrator)

    The Small Business Development Center sponsors monthly lunchtime seminars and this month the topic is "Harnessing the Power of Twitter."

    • Learn how to create messages that get your business to stand out
    • Understand the best uses for hashtags, handles, hat-tips & images
    • Decide if Twitter is worth your precious time

    When: Thurs. February 19
    Where: RCC/SOU Higher Education Center, 101 S. Bartlett St, Medford
    Time: 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM
    Cost: FREE

    The speaker is Dr. Donnie Maclurcan. He is an Affiliate Professor in Social Science at SOU and a passionate advocate for all things not-for-profit.  Twitter has been a crucial tool for Donnie as a social entrepreneur and as co- founder of Project Australia, The Post Growth Institute,  Free Money Day, the (en)Rich List, and Cascades Hub.

    Call 541-552-8300 or visit the Small Business Development Center website at for more info.

  • December 23, 2014 4:20 PM | Cathie Izor (Administrator)

    The SOU School of Business cooperates with local agencies and businesses to provide a wide variety of opportunities for students to gain real-world experience. Learn how your organization can benefit from using student interns and how students can benefit from your knowledge and experience. Jane Picknell, Internship Coordinator, will show you how to make the right connections to access our future business leaders.

    You'll learn:

    • How to get a student intern
    • What student interns can do for your business
    • Create a "win-win" experience

    When: Thurs. January 15
    Where: RCC/SOU Higher Education Center, 101 S. Bartlett, Medford
    Time: 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM
    Cost: FREE

    Bring your own Lunch, Learn & Launch!

    For more info or to register:

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