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WESO News Blog

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  • May 25, 2022 4:39 PM | Mary Fitzsimmons (Administrator)

    Hello!  I'm Mary Fitzsimmons of Go Rogue Business Consulting and I'd love to invite you to my Dream Capture Workshop  Wednesday, June 22nd 10am-12:30pm at the MCC in downtown Medford.

    Join us for this hands-on interactive workshop in which you will get clarity and motivation around your big dreams! Together we'll take those dreams and turn them into beliefs, goals, actions and habits. You'll walk away with:

    • A clear vision for yourself and your business.
    • An easy to implement action plan so that you can move forward on the next best steps.
    • New insights into the habits you'll need to reach your dreams (and how to stick to them).

    This workshop is geared towards entrepreneurs and leaders who are ready to stop playing small and want to step into their next phase of success. Attendance is limited to 10 participants, sign up today!


    Email if you have any questions or special requests.

  • May 20, 2022 4:07 PM | Cathie Izor (Administrator)

    "Perhaps the universal sisterhood is necessary before the universal brotherhood is possible."

    --Baroness Bertha von Suttner, novelist and peace activist

    In 1905, she was the first woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize which she had helped inspire.

  • April 13, 2022 5:53 PM | Cathie Izor (Administrator)

    The theme of this year's Women's Leadership Conference of Southern Oregon is "UNSTOPPABLE: Overcoming Barriers to Your Success."

    WLC believes that no matter what life hands you or where you are in your personal journey, you can OVERCOME! Each speaker has chosen either INTERNAL or EXTERNAL BARRIERS for their topic. Breakout sessions are categorized by these topics, also.

    The conference is on May 13 at the Ashland Hills Hotel and will be a hybrid conference. Check out the sessions, speakers, how to register and more at Women's Leadership Conference.

  • April 11, 2022 3:32 PM | Cathie Izor (Administrator)

    Quotes from Amazing Women for Amazing Women

    Truth is powerful and it prevails.

    --Sojourner Truth

  • March 10, 2022 3:30 PM | Cathie Izor (Administrator)

    Sandy Abell, Inside Jobs Coach, has started a new podcast to find your power and change your life.

    Is your life unfolding the way you want? Can you see where you want to go but not the path to get there? 

    Then, check out her free podcasts at Your Personal Power Pod.

    She covers topics from communication, inner child and self-talk, stress and anxiety, boundaries, relationships, and much more.

    Sandy is a long-time WESO member who provides insightful and life-changing coaching. I highly recommend her!

    Cathie Izor

  • March 01, 2022 7:47 PM | Cathie Izor (Administrator)

    March is Women's History Month and we celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The month also marks a call to action for accelerating women's equality.

    To learn more, check out these links:

    Streaming videos about historic and amazing women

    Events, resources and articles from the Library of Congress

  • November 10, 2021 9:54 PM | Anonymous

    Thank you for inviting me to present on December 9. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing everyone and appreciated the engagement.

    As a thank you, I am offering a 10% DISCount for WESO members (in addition to special holiday pricing). Holiday pricing extends through January 1. Just send me a message or contact me through my website:

  • October 28, 2021 6:22 PM | Cathie Izor (Administrator)

    Here's a great way to support Soroptimist International of Medford, a local nonprofit. All proceeds go back to the local community to help women and girls.

  • October 15, 2021 12:40 PM | Anonymous

    Federal trademark registrations are a necessity for every business owner in order to protect your brands, logos, trademarks, and the overall goodwill of your company.  The purpose of trademark registration is to help prevent infringement and theft of your intellectual property, and to provide owners with remedies should infringement happen.  Without a federal registration, stopping an infringer becomes a very arduous, difficult, and expensive task.

    On December 27, 2020, Congress provided even more benefits to federal trademark registration holders by enacting the Trademark Modernization Act of 2020 (TMA2020). The TMA2020 adds the following new brand protection methods to the federal trademark registration owner's arsenal:

    1. Trademark registration holders may now file petitions to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to have trademarks expunged or re-examined when there is evidence of no use.  This helps clear the trademark register of problematic and potentially fraudulent registrations without having to go through a lengthy, expensive cancellation proceeding.

    2. Registration holders can now submit evidence directly to the USPTO in support of refusing a potentially infringing trademark application.  This expands the previous Letter of Protest procedure and helps stop problematic trademark registration applications at the start (and avoids lengthy, costly opposition proceedings).

    3. Plaintiffs who hold federal trademark registrations are now presumed to have "suffered irreparable harm" in federal lawsuits seeking injunctions against the use of an infringing mark.  In short, the plaintiff will not have to prove irreparable harm in addition to proving infringement, as was necessary in the past; rather, the defendant will need to prove that there was no irreparable harm in order to succeed.

    Finally, the registration process itself will be streamlined by shortening the traditional 6 month deadline to respond to Examining Attorneys, meaning you can get your registration much more quickly.

    This article provides more details about these changes:

    The USPTO has 1 year to implement all of these changes.  In the meantime, if you have any questions about your trademarks and trademark protection, please contact me, Leah Halpert, Halpert Trademark Law.

  • April 05, 2021 4:13 PM | Cathie Izor (Administrator)

    I recently attended an introductory session of Lisa Frank's DISC personality reports and analysis. It was eye-opening and helped me easily understand the concepts and ways to use them in my communication with others. It was also engaging, interactive, and fun! Lisa did a great job of leading the session and helping me get the most from it. I highly recommend checking out her sessions and finding out more about how she can help you with her coaching skills.

    She has some excellent videos at:

    For the Communicate to Connect sessions, registration is through Eventbrite:

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